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Example Applications

If you're still unsure if Laser scanning and reverse engineering applies to your project, check out some of the example applications below:

  • Metrology - component inspection to specified tolerances on delicate parts or in challenging environments

  • Historic Restoration - providing CAD data for historic object pre-dating current CAD technologies 

  • Prototype modelling - make physical changes to a clay model and then record those changes back to the CAD model


  • Film and Animation - Create or alter CAD models for costume design or 3D printing animation models 

  • Classic vehicle restoration - create CAD surface data for panel moulds that have been damaged or lost, provide bucks and form tooling for metallic panel work.

  • Drone design and development - quickly measure complex free form aero surfaces 

  • Art and sculpture design - easily scale any piece whilst ensuring all proportions remain the same 


  • Jewellery design - easily record and edit your existing designs

  • Insurance replacements - ensure an exact replica can be remade if a priceless item is lost or damaged

  • Gaming development - obtain CAD data for complex organic surfaces

  • Medical research - capture bone/joint alignment for continued reference

  • Marine design - ensure you have the optimum shape to reduce drag in competition

  • Historic preservation of salvaged items - preserve items that have been retrieved by divers

  • Tooling design - assess damage or wear on tooling

  • Bespoke packaging design - obtain CAD data to ensure packaging fitment on food items

  • Bespoke electrical packaging - ensure complicated electrical systems will fit into specified housing 



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